Oregon DMV Practice Test

- Passing made easy!
- Studying made easier!
- GUARANTEED results!
Course Summary
- Designed to prepare you for actual exam
- Formatted in same manner as official test
- Covers same topics, concepts, and questions
- Offered entirely online for 24/7 access
- Money-back guarantee you'll pass the 1st time
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Studying Made Easy!
At Test Questions and Answers, we appreciate that the most effective study guide is the one that is actually used. For this reason, we have developed our Oregon DMV practice test with the help of industry experts to be convenient, user-friendly, and practical, as well as fun and engaging. Our goal is for you to actually take advantage of this resource so that you can reap the many benefits it provides!
Studying with our online Oregon DMV practice test is a cinch. Simply:
- Enroll online
- Sign in to take a practice test
- Answer 20 random test questions on road rules, signage, and driving habits
- Retake random practice tests as many times as needed
Passing Made Easy!
Our Oregon DMV practice test is such a good resource that we GUARANTEE results or your money back. If you prepare for your official license exam using our online resource, and pass the sample test at least three times, we guarantee success on your official exam. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. So ditch the official state driver handbook and start preparing using our online practice tests instead! The benefits are many, and include:
- 24/7 access, entirely online
- Modeled after the official exam
- Unlimited random practice tests available
- Familiarize yourself with key concepts and topics
Earn Your Driving Privileges with Ease!
Are you under 18 years of age and a resident of Oregon? If so, then you will need to obtain a provisional driving license in order to drive on public roads. The requirements for obtaining your Oregon provision license are as follows:
- Have a valid instruction permit (issued to individuals at least 15 years of age who satisfy the state's driver education requirements), and maintain this permit for at least six months
- Have no suspended, revoked, canceled, or otherwise withdrawn driving privileges
- Complete the required supervised driving time (50 hours for individuals who have completed an ODOT-approved Driver Ed course; 100 hours for those who have not)
- Submit proof of school enrollment, completion, or exemption
- Submit a completed driver license application
- Submit proof of identity, residency, and citizenship
- Submit social security information
- Pass a behind-the-wheel driving test