
Warm Weather Warning

Warning: The weather is warmer! People are getting excited about riding again, and forgetting many of the basic safety tips. So, for your convenience, here’s a quick review:

1. Make eye contact. Drivers haven’t seen motorcycles on the road a long time, so they’re not looking out for you when changing lanes or turning.

2. Don’t make assumptions. Even if you believe the driver, cyclist or pedestrian can see you, they may misjudge your speed and proceed anyhow.

3. Keep a safe distance. Cars and trucks are erratic. They change lanes quickly, stomp on their brakes and swerve around hazards at the last minute. If you’re too close, then these actions could be fatal.

4. Look for hazardous road conditions. Winter has taken its toll on the roads, leaving behind fresh cracks and potholes. And of course, there’s the ever-present dangers of wet roads, fluid spills, sand and gravel that can affect tire traction.

5. Beware left-turning vehicles at intersections. This is actually one of the most common motorcycle accidents.

6. Be cautious when entering or exiting a freeway. Cars often don’t see you, or don’t want to slow down for you.

7. Take it easy on curves. Motorcyclists tend to forget this one often, especially after a long winter.