Woman Driver Sending Text Reading Message On Phone While Driving

The Price of that Text

It would seem that drivers have a serious texting addiction these days. The public outcry for safety has gone unnoticed by most text-obsessed drivers. They pass by anti-texting billboards and highway signs completely unaware because their eyes are glued to the glowing screens of their cell phones. Normally, I just try to get around these reckless drivers as quickly and safely as possible, but when one almost hits my car I will honk at them… only to be ignored because my fear of collision is less urgent than their social life.

Well, if drivers aren’t worried about their safety, or the safety of people around them, maybe they will take notice when slapped with a hefty traffic ticket. That would certainly make it harder to pay their cell phone bill. This is exactly what many states are hoping for, with all but 4 states joining the fight against texting while driving by charging offenders with penalties. Fines range from $20 (in California) to $10,000 (in Alaska), with an average of about $100.

A state-by-state map of texting while driving penalties can be found here.