
Parking For Truckers, Safety For All

Since the Tracy Morgan trucker crash in 2014, Americans have been especially concerned about safety standards in the trucking industry. However, many people fail to consider the safety of the drivers themselves, who deal with daily difficulties finding safe, legal parking when sleep is desperately needed.

One of the most practical ways to support well-rested, safe truck drivers is to allow them to get off the road when they are tired. Safe parking for truckers means safer roads for all.

An old discussion on Allen Smith’s Truth About Trucking online radio show comes to mind. On the show, Smith was joined by family members of truck drivers who lost their lives because they were forced to park in dangerous places. Veteran trucker David Clark, who has engaged with the driver community on the issue of parking safety and availability, also joined the conversation.

Knowing where, when and how to park is part of the trucker’s life. Having conversations such as this is one way to make that life little bit easier, or at least help keep it from getting harder.

To hear the full story on modern parking issues in the trucking industry, as well as some of the real life consequences that come with a scarcity of safe parking for truckers, see the full story below:

Engagement on Parking Safety

trucker parking

A New Trucker Parking System… Finally!

In Minnesota, the Department of Transportation is implementing a new parking system that tells truckers and dispatchers about vacant trucker parking spaces in Interstate rest areas.

Three rest areas along the I-94 corridor have been equipped with the system so far. The technology uses a network of cameras, in-cab messaging and electronic highway signs to notify truckers when there are spaces available to stop and rest. The information can also be found online so that dispatchers can see availabilities and notify drivers in real-time.

This new system could be a major game-changer when it comes to driver fatigue and HOS (Hours of Service) compliance. By knowing how many parking vacancies there are down the road, drivers and dispatchers can decide whether or not they should pull over and rest sooner, or continue driving with the knowledge that there will be a place to park before the work day is over.

Hopefully this new system, and more helpful initiatives like it, will improve working conditions for truckers in the future. Trucker parking is a small, but incredibly important and overlooked, piece of the puzzle. See the full story here:

MnDOT Launches New System to Help Truckers Find Parking Spaces


The Parking Dilemma

Parking is a necessity in the trucking industry. Sadly, it’s also a scarcity. Parking shortages are a major problem in the trucking world. Without a place to park, there is no place to sleep, shower, or even use the restroom.

How can truck drivers ensure they have adequate parking when travelling over-the-road? How can they avoid breaking the law when it comes to HOS (Hours of Service) rules and regulations? It’s a tricky dilemma, but we have a few tips to help out all the weary drivers out there:

Plan Carefully. Know your route. Research truck stops, rest areas, motels and overnight parking. Then make a solid game plan that will enable you to find a parking spot before your daily hours run out.

Drive Early. In crowded cities, truck stops and rest areas fill up quickly. However, you can secure a parking space early if you start your day earlier. By waking up around 3 a.m. and finding a parking spot before 6 p.m., you will beat the rush and save a lot of time hunting for a place to stop for the night.

Don’t Count on Walmart. In the old days, Walmart was known for their overnight parking. Big lots, few curbs and a general respect for the people who delivered their goods made these grocery stores a go-to place for trucker parking. However, these days many Walmart parking lots have these signs posted throughout the property:


Even a quick stop for groceries has resulted in bad experiences for trucker Ray Earl Bishop Jr. and blogger for Overdrive Online Wendy Parker. The days of free camping (aka boondocking) at Walmart are over. It’s best to keep on trucking until you find a truck stop or rest stop.

Know the Sweet Spots. Have a look at our previous post: Truck Stops, Pit Stops and other Over-The-Road Sanctuaries to learn all about the best places to park across the U.S. Then, feel free to share your knowledge and comment to help us make this list more complete.