
Parking For Truckers, Safety For All

Since the Tracy Morgan trucker crash in 2014, Americans have been especially concerned about safety standards in the trucking industry. However, many people fail to consider the safety of the drivers themselves, who deal with daily difficulties finding safe, legal parking when sleep is desperately needed.

One of the most practical ways to support well-rested, safe truck drivers is to allow them to get off the road when they are tired. Safe parking for truckers means safer roads for all.

An old discussion on Allen Smith’s Truth About Trucking online radio show comes to mind. On the show, Smith was joined by family members of truck drivers who lost their lives because they were forced to park in dangerous places. Veteran trucker David Clark, who has engaged with the driver community on the issue of parking safety and availability, also joined the conversation.

Knowing where, when and how to park is part of the trucker’s life. Having conversations such as this is one way to make that life little bit easier, or at least help keep it from getting harder.

To hear the full story on modern parking issues in the trucking industry, as well as some of the real life consequences that come with a scarcity of safe parking for truckers, see the full story below:

Engagement on Parking Safety

truck stop

Advice: Pros and Cons of Trucking

As a rookie driver, you’ll want to take all the trucking advice you can get. Today’s trucking advice comes from The Keystruckers, who have plenty of experience under their belts:

Pros and Cons of Trucking

truck driver appreciation

Trucking and The Good Life

Trucking can be a rough job. It can be a mean, excruciating, thankless, tedious job. However, there are times when the traffic clears, the stars align and you find yourself in amazing places having amazing experiences that make it all worth while.

That’s just what happened on this episode of the George & Wendy Show. Wendy Parker lets us in on a secret in the trucking world: a little detour between Reno and Nevada, down a lonesome free-roaming cow road known as “The Extraterrestrial Highway.” Out west, in the middle of nowhere, she explains just how awesome it is to be a trucker sometimes. See the full story here:

Friends in UFO Places

truck stop

Letting Trucks Drive Faster

While higher speeds are linked to an increase in automobile accidents, there are times when driving faster is actually safer. That’s why Britain is making the case for letting trucks drive faster.

The reasoning is simple enough. Current laws require trucks to drive 40 mph on 2-lane highways (a whopping 20 mph less than all the other vehicles on the road). This causes many frustrated drivers to attempt to pass trucks in the oncoming lane – a very dangerous practice.

By raising the truck speed limit to 50 mph, the government hopes to save lives by letting trucks drive faster. With tractor-trailers travelling closer to the speed of other traffic, they expect fewer drivers to attempt passing the larger vehicles in risky situations. See the full story here:

Can Letting Trucks Drive Faster Make Roads Safer?

Medical Examinations

Besides the studying, the CDL test, the training and the job search, truck drivers must also pass a medical exam. However, due to a shortage of qualified medical examiners, this year may prove especially difficult. See the full story here:

trucking industry

How to Succeed in the Trucking Industry

Becoming a trucker is far more complicated than simply passing a written test. The trucking industry requires a strong mind, an ability to get along with people, as well as an ability to get along without anyone at all. There are many obstacles that rookie drivers must face. Increase your chances of success by reading this excellent post over at

Voices on Size and Weight Legislation

As the highway bill goes into its final stage, many are commenting on this legislation’s affects on the trucking industry, the economy, road conditions, traffic conditions and the bottom line for those doing the hauling. See the full story here:

Man standing in front of truck

Why Rookies Fail

Passing a CDL test is one thing, but getting through the training and surviving the first year of driving is a whole different ball game. Read this excellent blog post from to get the full story on why so many rookie drivers fail:


Best Employers for Veterans

Wondering where to find the very best employment for veterans and former military members? Two spectacularly patriotic companies come to mind: Crete and Epes. These trucking companies were named the 2014 Most Valuable Employers for Military by See the full story here:

Marvel at the Awesomeness

This week, we bring you the awesome innovations of owner/operator Joel Dawes, who has been showing off his 1988 Peterbilt 379 in the truck show circuit for the last two seasons. Check out this video and marvel!