April Fools on a Motorcycle

It’s the season of the motorcycle, and for every graceful, experienced veteran motorcyclist on the road, there are at least a half-dozen fools out there. Don’t be an April Fool on your motorcycle this riding season by avoiding these riding tactics:

Lane Splitting

Lane splitting is for the impatient and the inexperienced. Many experienced riders know that lane splitting is too dangerous to be worth the risk. That’s because they have either seen a crash caused by lane-splitting, or have survived one themselves.

Riding Faster Than You Can See

This riding example comes from a snaky, back-road highway where there’s more danger than you would expect. However, big trucks and trailers making slow turns is common on back roads, and riders should always be wary of the road ahead no matter how isolated it seems.

Riding With Passengers

First of all, most motorcycles are NOT three-seaters. Secondly, new riders should avoid traveling with passengers until they have gained enough experience.

april fools

Riding Without ATGATT

ATGATT (All The Gear All The Time) should be your mantra every time you go on a ride. All the gear means helmet, gloves, boots, riding jacket and pants every time you ride!


 Target Fixation

This classic case of target fixation illustrates how focusing on the side of the road just could land you there:

Turning Like a Squid

There are so many ways to take a turn the wrong way. Travelling too fast, panicking, braking at the wrong time, and overcompensating could all result in an embarrassing, if not fatal crash.

That’s six mistakes you can make this April Fools Day, and we’re just getting started. Stay tuned this beautiful spring season for more tips on how to avoid making rookie riding mistakes.

Happy April Fools Day!

The Essence of Motorcycling

There are a few keys to understanding the essence of motorcycling. So before you hit the road, keep these thoughts in mind:

Ride as if you’re already where you need to be. 

If you’re on the bike, you’re never in a hurry to get anywhere. It’s a great cliché but very important in this case: better late than never. Haste makes us do stupid things, so when you’re riding, you’re riding. Imagine that the destination doesn’t exist, that you’re just there to be on the road!

Take the point of view that any accident or mishap is your fault.

Yes you may legally be in the right in a collision, but there are cemeteries full of blokes who were in the right. Car pulled out on you and caused you to hit the brakes hard? Your fault for not anticipating and being ready for it. Car changed lanes and nearly took you out? Why were you in a position whereby it mattered what the car did?

Ride like you’re invisible and everybody else is drunk.

Car drivers, at least the ones who aren’t texting, fighting with their spouse on the phone, applying make-up or messing with their iPods, are looking for moving objects the size of cars and trucks. A motorcycle is a much smaller thing and might not even register with a driver. And since so many cars are wired to have their lights on all the time, even the bike’s headlight doesn’t make it stand out in traffic. Never assume that the car driver sees you. Always assume that the car driver will do something dumb. Be ready for it. Plan accordingly.

Just Ride: The Appalachian Mountain Foothills

If you’re in Alabama and looking for an excellent day ride, then check out this 94-mile loop that winds through the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. The route includes the Cathedral Caverns (one of the biggest caverns in the world), Monte Sano State Park, Guntersville Lake, and a point of interest from the American Revolution. See the full description here:



Silhouette Woman Motorcycle Heels Up Hand Head

Motorcycle Babes

When it comes to blogging about motorcycles, there’s really never a shortage of interesting information out there. However, today’s find over at the Huffington Post was just too funny for words. If you’ve ever thought that female motorcycle models always seem to pose in ridiculous positions, then see how much more absurd it becomes when men do it:



Anime-Inspired Motorcycle

If you’re a manga fan, then get ready for a motorcycle built just for you! This Honda bike is made with the aesthetic design of Japanese manga and anime, with angular lines and sharp geometry that will make you go “Whawhaaaa?!”

radar gun

Modesto Police Looking Out for Motorcyclists

Police officers in Modesto, California plan to focus on motorcycle safety through the month of April. Extra officers will be posted in popular motorcycle riding areas, looking for both motorcycles and other vehicles operating dangerously. The police department will be cracking down on drivers that are speeding, making illegal turns, under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and other violations that put motorcycle riders at risk.

This specialized Motorcyle Safety Enforcement Operation is in response to an increase in motorcycle collisions in the area. While motorcycle fatalities dropped by 37% from 2008 to 2010, they quickly turned around and increased by 23% between 2010 and 2012.


Museo Ducati

Google maps is a great resource for planning any future vacations. However, it’s also great for skipping the vacation and seeing the sights from home. This link will take you all the way to Italy, where you can tour the Ducati Museum with Google Street View:


Biker girl in a leather jacket on a motorcycle looking at the su

Road Trip Season

As the weather gets warmer, motorcyclists come out of hibernation and hit the roads for great springtime rides. The season of the road trip is upon us, and it’s time to start mapping and planning for a truly phenomenal ride country-wide ride. Lucky for us, the Discovery Channel has compiled a Top 10 list of the best motorcycle rides in North America. Read the full article here.


Harley Davidson

Motorcycle Detailing

If you love your motorcycle, then don’t let that beauty down by ignoring its most basic need – a good scrub down. The extra care will not only keep your ride clean, but also help it live a longer life. This comprehensive motorcycle cleaning guide will take you through all the nitty gritty of motorcycle detailing, so your ride will shine like the majestic road warrior that it is.




Cure Aches by Sitting Up Straight

Thinking about going on a long cruise? A road trip? A biker rally? Then don’t forget to SIT UP STRAIGHT!

Those teachers who told you to sit up straight in school were onto something. It turns out this age-old advice could help relieve back pain, promote overall health, improve leadership skills and hone the mind into a more attentive state.

Research supporting the benefits of good posture could fill a library, but the fine folks at motorcyclecruiser.com recently did a piece that relates these benefits specifically to riding motorcycles. The pain relief alone is enough to make the baddest of riders straighten up, at least posture-wise.