Repeat the FINECS Every Time

FINECS is a handy acronym that stands for Fuel, Ignition, Neutral, Engine, Choke/Clutch, Stand – a must-know mantra that all beginners should learn.Remembering the FINECS will not only keep you safe, but also save you some embarrassment.

“F” for Fuel. Don’t forget to turn the fuel line on, or you’ll feel mighty foolish when you start up and then immediately stop again.

“I” for Ignition. Turn the ignition on.

“N” for Neutral. Make sure the bike is in neutral. If it’s in gear and you slip the clutch by mistake, then you could end up dumping it rather quickly.This also allows you to idle while it warms up.

“E” for Engine. The engine cut-off switch must be in the RUN/ON position. Otherwise, you’re not going anywhere.

“C” for Choke/Clutch. Use the choke as needed, and squeeze the clutch as a precaution against starting in gear.

“S” for Stand. Never, ever forget this one. Riding off with the stand down is both dangerous and embarassing, and discovering that it is still down as you take a turn can really be a shock.

Note: This is a spinoff version of the acronym “FINEC”, taught by the MSF (Motorcycle Safety Foundation).


Staying Alive When You Ride

They say motorcyclists should ride as if they are invisible. Other vehicles often have a hard time seeing motorcycles before turning and changing lanes, so this is certainly sound advice.

However, a better phrase to remember may be: Ride as if they are all out to get you! Whether other motorists are distracted or downright disgruntled, it’s always safer to keep a distance that would make it difficult for accidental as well as purposeful collisions. For example, it is common for people to swerve drastically out of their lanes when trying to text. Although this is a mistake caused by stupidity, in the moment it can feel as if they are actually trying to hit you. Another example that has proven fatal for motorcyclists is the brake-check, a very dangerous act intended to deter tailgaters. Last-minute turns and lane changes can catch motorcyclists off guard as well, and any collision can kill when you’re on a bike. In fact, motorcyclists are 30 times more likely to die in a crash than people in a car.

So give yourself plenty of distance to dodge the distracted and the stupid drivers of the world. Stay safe and stay alive.



Make Your Motorcycle Scream Like a Banshee

In Irish mythology, a banshee is a fairy woman who begins to wail when someone is about to die. All too often, motorcyclists are caught in such a situation, and the screaming of a banshee may be just what they need.

 The Banshee Horn is a device that allows motorcyclists to drastically increase the volume of their horn and flash their headlights as a warning system. A simple tap will sound the normal horn, while holding it down will unleash the screaming banshee power that can be heard over the loudest of trucks.