Motorcycle Awareness for the Clueless – Lesson 11

Lesson 11: Roaring Engines Double as Warnings

For some drivers, it can be quite jarring to hear a motorcycle loudly rev up next to them in traffic. Sometimes bikers are simply showing off their engines, however, other times this loud noise can double as a warning when used in moving traffic.

Since many motorcycle horns aren’t nearly as loud as the engines they sit upon, motorcyclists sometimes rev up their engines to make enough noise for other drivers to know that they are there. This can be an effective technique when people in cars and trucks try to change lanes while the biker is in their blind spot.

So, if you hear an engine roar and a biker quickly ride past you, don’t be offended, and don’t take it as an invitation to drag race. This is simply a way of being noticed, and thereby avoiding getting run over by trucks and cars on the road.