May: Month of the Motorcycle

May is Motorcycle Awareness Month, and states across the U.S. are unleashing their public awareness campaigns to promote motorcycle safety.

In Texas, officials encourage motorcyclists to look out for each other, and have posted “Share the Road” and “Look Twice” signs to remind drivers to be safe as motorcycles increasingly come out of hibernation. Meanwhile, up in the north Michigan Secretary of State is promoting motorcycle safety by hopping on his Harley-Davidson Sportster and riding with a group of fellow motorcyclists. Governors, legislators, and average citizens are joining ABATE (American Bikers Aimed Toward Education) in conferences and events to promote the month of the motorcycle, with a great emphasis on biker safety and sharing the road.

Here are some helpful tips for motorists on the road during May’s Motorcycle Awareness Month:

  • Always double-check mirrors and blind spots before changing lanes
  • Look twice before pulling out of parking lots and driveways, or when turning at intersections
  • Use those blinkers! Turn signals should be used when changing lanes, merging with traffic, or making turns
  • Don’t be fooled by a flashing turn signal on a motorcycle – motorcycle signals are often not self-canceling. Wait to be sure the motorcycle is going to turn before you proceed.
  • Give motorcycles more following distance, since they are capable of braking quicker and are more vulnerable in emergency situations

And, we have several important safety reminders for motorcycle riders as well:

  • Wear a DOT-approved helmet
  • Never ride while impaired
  • Always signal turns, merges and lane changes
  • Wear brightly colored protective gear, but ride as if you are invisible
  • Avoid blind spots