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Independence Day

Eager to get that first taste of freedom? That first sweet sip of complete independence as you drive off with your first license? Well, don’t let your first independence day become your last. Drive like a pro with these teen driving tips:

  • Pay Attention! It’s easy to get distracted by the excitement of your first day as a new driver. Don’t let that excitement cause a collision early in your driving career. Channel that energy to the part of the brain that keeps you alert and ready to react.
  • Watch Your Speed. The rush you feel on that first day can be a bit overwhelming. Your blood is pumping, your heart rate is in hyper-mode and the urge to go faster is hard to fight. However, you must maintain control. Driving too fast can result in a wreck, or at the very least, a speeding ticket.
  • Remember the Basics. You might have aced the test, but do you remember what to do at a 4-way stop? Do you yield if you are turning left? Do you yield if you are turning right? Who yields when you are entering the freeway? Be sure to mentally prepare yourself for driving without the help of parents or instructors.
  • Look Twice. Whether you are turning, merging, or changing lanes, be sure to always look twice. Check your mirrors, then check your blind spot to be sure you’re not about to plow into another vehicle. And, don’t forget to use your BLINKERS!
  • Take Your Time. It’s not a race. Take your time when driving. Take your time when parking. Take your time (and double check!) when pulling out of a parking space or driveway. Take your time when turning or merging. There’s no reason to rush things. You are young, so drive like the cool easy rider that you are.

Now get out there and live the sweet life of freedom and independence with your brand new drivers license! Good luck and happy Independence Day!