future cars

Future of Vehicle Repairs

The always informative geeks at Wired tested Zero’s electric motorcycle and came away with some interesting thoughts. For one, electric motorcycles are much easier to maintain, that is, until they lose thrust while traveling down the highway because of a computer glitch. For now, Zero will have to recall its 2012 and 2013 models for repairs, however, future models will be able to diagnose and upload quick fixes wirelessly.

In fact, Tesla already has the ability to update its cars wirelessly. The company even made some tweaks to their Model S series last year after repeated incidents of battery fires. Tesla was able to manipulate air suspension to increase ground clearance, and because the cars are so highly-computerized, they were able to do it wirelessly. There’s no doubt that many common issues will be able to be fixed wirelessly in the future. However, there’s also reason to believe that the computerization of our vehicles is causing the need for these fixes.