Back-To-School Traffic Tips

It’s that time of year again. It’s time for students to say goodbye to summer fun and head back to school. That means drivers should be on high alert to avoid collisions and fatalities related the back-to-school season.

These back-to-school traffic tips will prepare you for another school year behind the wheel:

1. Watch for increased pedestrian traffic.

This is especially true in the early hours before school starts, as well as in the afternoon when school lets out. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more school-age pedestrians have been killed between the hours of 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. than any other time of day. So, drive slowly around school zones and bus stops. Also, keep a look out for kids walking to and from school, as well as neighborhood kids hanging out in the after-school hours.

2. Mind school zone speed limits.

Speeding in a school zone will get you a traffic ticket real fast. However, it could also result in something much, much worse: a fatal accident. So be sure to slow down in school zones and drive carefully. Also, avoid distractions such as cell phones and mobile devices.

3. Know the school bus signals.

Flashing yellow lights mean that the school bus is preparing to stop to load or unload children. That means that you should slow down and prepare to stop as well.

Flashing red lights and an extended stop sign at the front of the bus mean that you should bring your car to a stop, no matter which direction in traffic you are driving. As you approach the school bus, come to a complete stop. Do not attempt to continue driving until the stop sign retracts and the red lights stop flashing.

4. Beware of after-school activities. 

Football practice, band practice, cheerleader practice and other after-school activities are already underway, meaning that drivers should be cautious well after school hours are over. There will also be games and scrimmages that attract large crowds this fall season, so be prepared for some school-spirited traffic.

Whether you live in the big city or a small cow town, these back-to-school driving tips will help you become a better driver and keep the streets safe for the school season.