A Lesson From the Snake

The Snake is one of the most revered roads in California. This meandering section of the Mulholland Highway is a hot spot for drivers and riders alike, but mostly it’s a hard lesson in how not to take a turn on a motorcycle.

Over on YouTube, RNickeyMouse has a formidable collection of videos recorded at Edwards Corner, the most-crashed piece of road on the Snake, and possibly anywhere. His videos are a testament to bad turning techniques, with plenty of amateurs gunning the gas before the turn, panicking and then crashing.

Here’s how the skilled riders take it: slow down before the turn, lean in, and roll on the gas after the apex, keeping your eyes on the exit the whole time. If you look down, you go down, if you look at the guard rail, you go into the guard rail. So, remember this Lesson of The Snake before your next ride, and you’ll be able to take a turn like a champ.